What do you know about Accessory dwelling units?
What would you do with a little extra space? Home office pod? Workout shed? A place for Nana or Papa? An ADU might be just what you need! ADU stands for Accessory Dwelling Unit, which is typically a separate living quarters within a single-family home. These are often used to create additional living space for a family member or generate rental income. ADUs can be a great way to make use of existing space, create more affordable housing options, or increase the value of your home.
Accessory Dwelling Units are permitable in Kitsap County but, there may be different requirements inside of city limits. For example, the City of Bremerton recently expanded the allowances of ADUs. The rules can be tricky to navigate and there are design professionals who specialize in ADUs. If you are thinking about an ADU for your property, we’d love to connect you to a trusted design professional who can help answer questions and get you on the planning right track.